Operating System


What is the operating system

Or in short symbols : OS, is defined as a set of software, which is the link between the user and the computer, and it is also defined as the main driver of the computer, and the coordinator between the physical parts of the computer and Software; That is, he is responsible for managing the computer; The operating system serves as a compiler or a means of communication between the user and the computer.

The operating system is defined as a set of basic programs that manage the computer, organize all the tasks that it performs, and make it easier for the user to benefit from the equipment and accessories that make up the device, as well as enable him to benefit from various application programs like Microsoft office , google chrome …..etc.

What does the operating system do ?

The tasks of the operating system differ according to the computer used, but they can be summarized as follows :

-Data path control: the operating system manages the flow and path of data; By controlling its movement between computer units.

-Controlling input and output units: This is done by controlling the process of entering data into the computer via input units, such as the keyboard or mouse, and monitoring the processing processes, then displaying the data on the output units and the maÙ‡n part using for that is the screen .

 Detection of faults: The system runs special programs when a specific malfunction occurs, which is concerned with discovering faults and giving a report on the malfunction.

 Control the main memory unit: some operating systems have the ability to run more than one program at the same time, and some allow more than one user to work on the device at the same time; The role of the OS here lies in distributing the main memory to more than one user. If more than one user is connected to the computer.

 Communication with the user: the OS acts as a translator between the user and the computer; Where it helps the computer user to follow the programs and the commands that have been executed by displaying them on the command issuing screen; To orient the computer properly, and this is done by showing the user interfaces .

Download application software: Here is the role of the operating system in transferring application software from storage media to the main memory, then to the central processing unit to be executed.

Mechanism of work

The OS follows a flowchart of operations , To carry out the tasks assigned to it, and it goes through several stages, which are:

Operation: The operating system reads the instructions stored in the read-only memory (ROM) when operating the computer and executes them.

 Inspection: The OS checks the Input Unites and Output Unites to make sure of its safety.

System load: After confirming the integrity of the input and output units the operating system will be loaded from the hard and soft disks.

Receive orders: This is done by taking orders from the computer user to be executed by the operating system.

System operation: it is the most important stage the system starts executing the user's commands upon completion of the download process and receiving the orders  and that is through application software. The end of the process and its repetition: at the last stage the operating system returns to the first step and remains waiting for new commands to be issued from the user to start executing them in the same way again.

Types of operating system

There are many types of operating systems this is due to the fact that computer uses and applications have become very much needed in various fields of life, and this great demand for computers and its applications has opened the way for many operating systems that meet specific needs according to the nature and quality of their programming each operating system has its own characteristics and from the operating systems used in the computer world we mention :

DOS operating system: or Disk Operating System, and this system is considered one of the very old systems used to run many hardware programs, for example this system was used to operate devices The personal IBM, in addition to the IBM devices, and this system was named after the company, and in 1981 Microsoft President Bill Gates developed this system, and it was called the developed system MS-DOS, and this system depends on running text commands directly, and this one-tasking system .

The Linux operating system : It is one of the most famous and widespread and used systems, and it is an open source system, and it is characterized by a beautiful and simple graphic interface, it has many different versions, and it is characterized by protection High and safe when used, and it can be modified because it is a completely free system, and is usually used by engineers specialized in many technologies field  and networks in general.

Windows Operating System : This system is one of the most famous OS, and it is affiliated with Microsoft International, and the beginning of this system was in 1985; Where it was a graphic panel to help in writing commands in the DOS system, later Microsoft launched a separate operating system called Windows 95, and in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight the company launched a new version of the operating system called Windows 98 And many different versions of Windows were released after it, such as Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows 8, and finally Windows 10. Windows is the most used operating system around the world due to its reliance on a system of graphic interfaces that simplify and facilitate work on it By users, in addition to that it is the only system approved for playing video games, which gave it a very large base of users around the world.

 Mac OS X: This system is intended mainly for Apple Macintosh devices, and it is a paid and free system. Haiku system: It is a free and open source operating system like Linux, characterized by simplicity, beauty and speed of performance , it was launched in 2001, and Haiku system is considered one of the systems used for personal use.

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